Mesh Material Viewer Tool



As part of my VVVV Beginner course at the Node Institute,

I was able to gain a deep insight into VL.Language.

In the course of this I developed a tool in vvvv for viewing 3D content with the respective textures.

So far it only works with a mesh that has one UV set, but I want to update this soon.

It still has a few bugs but I am working on it.

The corresponding interactive open source renderer and game engine Stride allows a first impression of the material. 

In addition, I implemented the possibility to make and save notes with desired colors directly on the 3D material.

This can facilitate the acceptance by the customer enormously.

I actually designed the tool for myself, as I found it very useful and would like to continuously expand it.


Before you can use my tool you have to install .NET from microsoft website,

Here the link.

You can download my little project called mesh material viewer here.

The password is:kingjulian2024

I would also like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you

to Christoph KirmaierRosi Grillmaier and other people from the VVVV forum.

If you wish, you can also make a donation in exchange for the software.


Here will be soon a short tutorial video on how to use my tool.